Relaxation Classes
Relaxation Classes
Our Relaxation class has been developed to support you in Motherhood. When a baby joins your family it is not just the baby that is new…. you are a new too ( a new parent that is). You have taken on a new role and as you navigate this role it can be very overwhelming, therefore it is important to take care of yourself. And it is not just at the early stages of Motherhood, throughout the weeks, months and years you are navigating new territory, finding your way as a mother and it is so important that you make time for you.
You can feel lost in the juggle of life and parenting and that is why I developed our Relaxation Classes for all mums. Whatever age your child is you are still on your parenting journey and experiencing new stresses. We offer mindful techniques and a supportive environment designed with mums in mind.
‘You cannot pour from an empty cup’ as the saying goes and this is very true of parenting. At the heart of Pebble Sense is play, connection and child development and in order to support you to be amazing in your advertures in motherhood, we have developed a 1 hour class that focusses on reducing stress and promoting self care.
What to expect….
A Supportive and Calming Environment
Breathing Exercises
Muscle Relaxation Techniques
Guided Relaxation
Self Massage Techniques
Plus lots of encouraging chat and a hot cuppa.
You are important, you are essential, you are amazing so take the time for you and allow us to provide you with some self care tools to take home to promote postive wellbeing. And because we know first hand how hectic the day in the life of a parent is, our techniques are short and easy to carry out in even the most chaotic parenting days.
Our Classes run monthly or you can get a group of parents together and book your very own private relaxation class with us too. Alternatively we offer one to one online and in person relaxation. Get in touch through email at or send us a message here