About Us

Welcome to Pebble Sense, a family run business, based in the UK specialising in perfectly thought out gifts with a focus on play and connection. Delivering beautiful baby massage and mummy relaxation Classes online and in Glasgow and Lanarkshire. My name is Kelly and I am the founder of Pebble Sense, mum of two boys with a love of all things play. I am so excited to be able to bring my passion of supporting new parents  to the business and I would just like to say…the fact that you are reading this is amazing and so I thank you!

Our products are aimed at promoting parent and child bonding from pregnancy and beyond. With a strong focus on the importance of play and ultimately supporting child development. We aim to do this through the sharing of knowledge and the procurement of carefully thought out gifts. We are committed to bringing you great quality and beautiful gifts, as well as delivering education and advice through our blogs and social media.

Our aim is to support parenting and promote the importance of play through our products. Your purchases have been sourced with knowledge and love and will include, what we like to call ‘Pebbles of Wisdom’. Information that explains how each item of your purchase contributes to the development of your child and enhances bonding. We all know there is no handbook for parenting but knowledge is power as they say and we want to share what we know to support parents to be amazing.

Our Classes continue the focus of play and connection through the delivery of baby massage- a tradition primarily from India and Africa, brought to the western world around 30 years go by Vimila McClure who established the IAIM where I trained. Nurturing touch has been shown to support your babies physical and emotional development and in addition to this has many benefits for the caregiver too. Check out our Infant massage page for more info. We know that when you have a baby it is overwhelming and you oo become a new you and that is the inspiration behind our newest class-mummy relaxation.

Why? Here at Pebble Sense we believe in supporting other parents to have the best experiences with their children. I love giving gifts that are beautiful, have benefits and can be enjoyed by both children and parents.  

Pebble Sense we are amazed at the science behind play and connection. How play promotes positive emotional, physical and cognitive development in children and stimulates strong relationships between parent and child.

I have worked for 15 years in the health and social care sector supporting parents and children. Recognising through my training the importance of play I purchased a messy play franchise which I ran for 5 years. I have been so lucky in my career to educate and facilitate opportunities for families to have fabulous experiences together. A career in educating and stimulating play experiences, all the while supporting and encouraging positive child development and the parent and chilc connection. The wealth of knowledge I have gained I want to share with as many people as possible in a fun and friendly way. I have therefore decided to take my knowledge and experience and turn it into amazing products  and classes for children and parents.  We are very excited to be bringing you our products and experience. I hope that you love them as much as we do.