Infant Massage Classes

Infant Massage Classes

I am very excited to introduce Pebble Sense Infant Massage Classes. I am a certified infant massage instructor with over 12 years experience, previously providing one to one and group classes through my employment with NHS Lanarkshire. I am trained and registered with the International Association of Infant Massage. Infant massage is a wonderful, relaxing and powerful experience for you and your little one with many benefits to parent and baby. At Pebble Sense we believe that connection is priority when providing products or services and that is why I am thrilled to be able to support you to be amazing through our infant massage classes.

The benefits of infant massage:

What to expect at our classes:

Supports bonding and attachment between you and your little one.

Increased relaxation which has proven to promote longer sleep for babies and reduce stress for both parent and child.

Relief from colic, constipation and wind.

Improves parental confidence.

Supports parents to recognise babies behaviours, cries and  body language.

Provides opportunity to enjoy loving and calm one to one time together.

A relaxing, safe and secure environment in which you can learn infant massage strokes, spend time with your little one and meet other parents.

 6 week block with weekly classes of approx 1 hour in duration.

Instructor led group class in which you will be supported to massage your child.

You will be provided with massage oil and parent handbook for your block booking.

Massage mats will be provided at each class, however we ask that you bring your own towel/blanket for your child.

Classes suitable from 6 weeks (following your 6-8 week check with your health professional) to 7 months of age ( or non crawlers).

Where and When?

Lanarkshire Venue – studio

Unit 19, Darrows Estate

48 John  Brannan Way

Bellshill ML4 3HD

0-7 month (non crawlers) Infant Massage course

Next Course dates available:

Thursday 20th February 2025 10am

Monday 24th February 2025 1.30pm

 £55 for 6 week block

Booking is essential 

Glasgow Venue – 

No upcoming courses at this time


please get in touch about our private one to one and group sessions

Would you prefer a private one to one infant massage course?

Are you and your friends new parents together and would love a course just for you?

Do you have an organisation and interested in infant massage being taught to a group of parents?

Please do get in touch at to discuss further. We would love to accomodate you.