Baby Massage 6 week Course 07.04.25


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Pebble Sense is delighted to be continuing in our home within the studio in Uddingston for 2025. This is a fabulous family run, boutique  health and wellness studio. Providing a warm and welcoming environment for you and your little one to learn baby massage. Pebble Sense classes are run by an IAIM certified infant massage instructor with 12 years experience providing one to one and group massage session to families. We offer a safe, relaxing and friendly environment for you to experience some quality time connecting with your amazing little one through nurturing touch.  Our classes teach you how to massage your baby and learn the many benefits  of massage for both you and your child. We would love to welcome you and your baby to our wonderful classes.

When and Where:

6 week block of face to face teaching for babies  0- 7months (non crawlers), commencing Monday 7th of April 2025 at 1oam and running for 6  weeks. Please note this course WILL NOT BE RUNNING ON THE 21ST APRIL due to Easter Monday.

The course will run on the following dates

7th April

14th April

28th April

5th May

12th May

19th May studio

Unit 19,

Darrows Estate,

48 John Brannan Way,

Participating in baby massage provides many benefits including:

Support parents to recognize babies behaviours, cries and body language.

Relief from colic, constipation and wind.

Increases parental confidence.

Reduce stress and promote bonding.

plus much more.

Class duration is approximately 1 hour. You will be provided with massage guide and oils for your block booking. A massage mat will be available at each session and we ask that you bring your own towel/blanket for your little one.

Hand sanitiser will be available at the venue and class sizes are limited to a max of 5 participants ( not including instructor) at this venue. Mats will be cleaned thoroughly before and after each class and touch points will be cleaned regularly. Please be assured your safety and comfort is of the highest priority to us. For more information please read our infant massage class information page.

By purchasing this block booking you are agreeing to Pebble Sense terms and conditions.

*please note that only one adult can attend per session due to restriction of numbers for safety. If this impedes your ability to attend please do get in touch and we can look to accommodate where possible. Early booking encouraged.

At the checkout be sure to select ‘class booking’ under shipping options.

Keep and eye on your inbox in the week leading up to the class as we will send you out a pre course form for completion.

I look forward to welcoming you and your little one to the class.


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